Live2D  Version 1.0.06
Live2D rendering engine API reference
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LDString Member List

This is the complete list of members for LDString, including all inherited members.

append(const char *p, int length)LDString
append(int count, const char p)LDString
c_str() const (defined in LDString)LDStringinline
calcHashcode(const char *p1, int length)LDStringprotected
copy(const char *ptr, int length)LDStringprotected
equals(const RefString &refStr) const (defined in LDString)LDStringinline
getHashcode() (defined in LDString)LDStringinline
init(const char *s, int length, bool useptr)LDStringprotected
LDObject(void) (defined in LDObject)LDObject
LDString(const char *s, MemoryParam *memParam=NULL)LDString
LDString(const char *s, int length, MemoryParam *memParam=NULL)LDString
LDString(const RefString &refStr, MemoryParam *memParam=NULL)LDString
LDString(const LDString &s, MemoryParam *memParam=NULL)LDString
LDString(const char *s, int length, bool useptr, MemoryParam *memParam=NULL)LDString
length() const (defined in LDString)LDStringinline
object_instanceCount (defined in LDObject)LDObjectstatic
object_totalCount (defined in LDObject)LDObjectstatic
operator delete(void *ptr)LDObjectstatic
operator delete(void *ptr, void *ptr2)LDObjectstatic
operator delete(void *ptr, MemoryParam *memParam)LDObjectstatic
operator delete(void *ptr, MemoryParam *memParam, const char *filename, int line)LDObjectstatic
operator delete[](void *ptr)LDObjectstatic
operator new(l2d_size_t size)LDObjectstatic
operator new(l2d_size_t size, void *ptr)LDObjectstatic
operator new(l2d_size_t size, MemoryParam *memParam)LDObjectstatic
operator new(l2d_size_t size, MemoryParam *memParam, const char *filename, int line)LDObjectstatic
operator new[](l2d_size_t size)LDObjectstatic
operator+(const LDString &s) const LDString
operator+(const char *s) const LDString
operator+=(const LDString &s)LDString
operator+=(const char *s)LDString
operator<(const LDString &s) const LDString
operator<(const char *c) const LDString
operator=(const LDString &s)LDString
operator=(const char *c)LDString
operator==(const RefString &s) const (defined in LDString)LDString
operator==(const LDString &s) const LDString
operator==(const char *c) const LDString
operator>(const LDString &s) const LDString
operator>(const char *c) const LDString
size() const (defined in LDString)LDStringinline
~LDObject(void) (defined in LDObject)LDObjectvirtual